Mindset more than products (First Periods Feel Big #1)

I still remember the first time I misjudged whether my period had ended. I was 12 or 13, I took swimming for gym class, and I hadn’t yet figured out how to use tampons. You can probably imagine where this is going…

I remember finishing a lap and pulling myself onto the bulkhead to sit next to friends. I happened to look down and saw a swirl of red in the shallow water around me. My thought process, all in a matter of seconds, went something like this: huh, is that blood in the water? Someone’s bleeding. Ohmygod, that’s from me. How am I going to make this go away before anyone notices while nonchalantly pretending I don’t notice anything in the first place? My heart beat faster. I remember making tiny splashes until the water was just tinged pink, thankful my cheeks were already flushed from swimming. Thankfully, I had a towel to wrap around me nearby.

I wanted to share this story because it’s such a common experience and it captures why first periods feel big. To help you get ready for your daughter’s first periods, I’m sharing common reasons why first periods feel big and tips for moving through these heartfelt, and sometimes uncomfortable moments. Because when you’re prepared, you can lead the way toward a healthy and positive start for your tween.

One reason why first periods feel big is that we know living with our cycle can be a lot to manage both in our bodies and logistically, we know our tween is just at the beginning of it all and we wish we could spare them hassle, discomfort, and embarrassment. And yet, our cycles keep flowing, gym classes keep happening, and our tweens will have their own experiences.

While your first instinct might be to make sure your tween has all the right period products and the latest and greatest supplements for mood and pain management — all of which can be so valuable — how you show up is more important. One way you can move through moments that make first periods feel big because they’re a lot to manage is to remember that modeling helpful mindsets will matter more than the products you purchase. Helpful Mindset #4 Calm & Confident will serve you well as your daughter finds her way through the full range of menstruation experiences.

If you’re interested in learning more about the most helpful mindsets for parenting your tween through her first periods and how to practice them, book a personal consultation. I’d love to work with you.

Liz Vivian

giving tweens and teens a healthy, positive start with their cycle, striving to be the best version of me, creating work - life harmony, always looking forward to the next adventure


Growing up is like a sunrise (First Periods Feel Big #2)


You can do this, Mom