Cycle Day
What if you had a simple, 2-minute, daily self-care routine that:
lowered your stress
got you connected with yourself
put you on a path to living in harmony with your hormones
and made you better equipped to show up as your favorite version of yourself with the people you love most
A cycle day check-in is a simple daily routine that gets to the heart of your health and wellness self-care practices. You can do it in two minutes, anytime, anywhere.
Why am I so passionate about cycle day check-ins? My cycle day check-ins have become so important for my self-care even in the midst of a full life with work and parenting and making dinner, and all the things. It can be so easy to get lost in all of that so this routine is a great way to come back to yourself for a moment. For me, a cycle day check-in has been so valuable for my physical health, my mental health, and it’s really helped me be solid through my perimenopause years and parenting my teen daughter.
I’m going to teach you how to do a cycle day check-in just 3 steps, one in each video below.
Step One
How are you? Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually?
Step Two
What cycle day are you on?
Step Three
Write it down